Bill White, former ANSWP Commander is No More
Bill White, self appointed ANSWP Commander and webmaster of Overthrow.com has been overthrown and is no longer the legitimate leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party. An anonymous entity named MELCUR has beaten Bill White in a fair election with over eighty percent of the vote among their peers, proving beyond any doubt that Bill White probably has less than five members/supporters nationwide.
More to come soon!
You are not the new commander...a poll on a message board does not make one a leader.
I wouldn't be surprised if you get hit with an injunction soon.
All hail commander Melcur!
Srsly, Bill White's ANSWP is a joke.
Shortly after the ANSWP was formed, I attempted to talk sense into BW and the membership of the ANSWP. I tried to tell them their old way of doing things wasn't working AT ALL and if the ANSWP was going to get anywhere they would have to modernize and become a REAL political party without all the swastikas and uniforms and such. I told them to look to the model of the NPD in Germany, the REAL heirs to the Third Reich's legacy.
My comments fell on deaf ears, and I simply sat back and watched as the ANSWP- and the NSM- very quickly continued to marginalize themselves into oblivion. I don't have all the answers, but I can see when old-school tactics aren't good enough any longer.
This is a classic example of National Socialist theory: the strong survive, and the weak perish. So far, we're losing- and until we as a group WAKE UP it's not going to get any better, no matter how many pins or bumper stickers or uniforms sets or armbands we buy and sell among ourselves.
is Bill White [Weiss] on the lam now?
White's a piece of crap for helping the MSM brand all Americans concerned about illegal immigrants as racists.
The insanity keeps ramping up, don't let it infect you...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
just go blame the Jews
just like a silly monkey
Islamist terrorist NUT
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
it's all the Jews' fault
fifteen million Earthly Jews
control all the planets
absurd thought -
Gods of the Universe said
JEWS say there is just one God
HOW DARE they challenge
your polytheist beliefs
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
go ahead and blame the Jews
IslamoFascists and YOU
believe the same crazy shit
why not look into the nsalp, we are a legit socialist group, so at elst check it out.
Bill White's ANSWP is a joke. The NSALP, National Socialist American Labor Party is the only true American National Socialist Party.
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